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Artwork Submission Guidelines

Last Updated:  October 17, 2006

These are some guidelines for submitting artwork to our prepress department. However, if you have any questions at all we invite you to contact our prepress department directly at 800-225-7754 or email at prepress@precisiontapeandlabel.com.

File Formats: Mac or PC?

PC computers are used throughout our prepress department. We do accept many mainstream applications in Mac format.  However, we do convert all Mac files to PC format before outputting your file.  Please see the following submission specifications for the best application formats. 

Specifications for Artwork Submission:

1)  When sending files, please clearly state the software program used, the name of each file and the name of all fonts which may be included within your design.

2)  It is highly beneficial when all elements of your file are saved separately as well as saved as one complete design.  More specifically, each graphic image should be saved as an individual graphic and all text should also be saved separately.  This procedure is beneficial in the event that components within the design need adjusting for optimum print quality (including print resolution, LPI, etc.).

3)  Four color process art (such as a photograph), requires submission of color separated art in CMYK format (cyan, magenta, yellow, black).  Images submitted in formats such as RGB (red, green, blue) will have to be converted to CMYK for flexographic printing.  This conversion process can dramatically change the color content of your file.

4)  Software platforms accepted include:

•     Adobe Illustrator (11.0 or earlier)*

•     Adobe PhotoShop (6.0 or earlier)*

•     Adobe Streamline (4.0 or earlier)

•     Aldus/Adobe PageMaker (4.0 or earlier)

•     CorelDraw (9.0 or earlier)

•     MS Office (including MS Word & Publisher)

•     Quark Xpress (5.0 or earlier)

Preferred applications are denoted by an asterisk (*), particularly due to their compatibility with our imagesetting and pre-press equipment as well as their ability to move easily between Mac and PC platforms.  We suggest that files be submitted in these applications whenever possible.  However, if you use a software package that is not listed, please contact us or save your files in EPS format.

Some Additional Notes on Color:

The color seen on your monitor, laser printer or other color proofing device can be quite deceiving and will often vary dramatically from the actual color in your digital file.  Furthermore, standard laser and inkjet printers will typically generate color which can not be identically produced on press.  Therefore, when submitting files that require color accuracy we recommend you review a Waterproof, as this is a fair simulation of the color created on press.  Alternatively, you may wish to invest in a press proof, a process in which we would produce actual samples off press for your approval.*  However, when color accuracy is not crucial or a more accurate proofing tool is not requested, a standard proof will be submitted for approval.


Whether you are preparing Macintosh or PC artwork files, you are using fonts available on your computer system.  Although we maintain a large font library of our own, we strongly recommend including the actual fonts used when submitting files for printing.  If your design was prepared on a Mac system, you do not have to include the actual font files.  However, as with PC artwork files, it is requested that you provide the names of each font used within your design.  It may also be necessary that the text be saved as curves. 

Clip Art:

Clip art has become a very useful and popular tool in recent years.  We often receive designs which include clip art images (or altered versions of) and we have printed many unique designs that began as clip art images.  However, typically these images will be submitted in a color format that is not sufficient for pre-press production.  Therefore, if you are using clip art, or have based a portion of your design on a clip art image, it is always helpful when the name of the image and program name in which it was designed accompanies your artwork. 

Sending Files:

We can receive files via E-mail (prepress@precisiontapeandlabel.com), Zip, CD, and diskette (when submitting diskettes, Mac files must be stored on High Density disks).  When using E-mail and sending multiple files simultaneously, please include your artwork as an attachment using compressed-self extracting “ZIPit” or “Stuffit” documents.  E-mails over 10 megabytes are not usually recommended.

To assure accuracy of our output, we request a faxed (or mailed) copy your artwork be sent in conjunction with your emailed files.  Likewise, disks should also include a hard copy of your file. Disks and/or original artwork will be returned provided a return address is included with your submission.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines we invite you to contact Precision Tape and Label’s pre-press department at 800-225-7754.  You may also fax to 508-278-7711 or email to prepress@precisiontapeandlabel.com.

*Pricing for Waterproofs, press proofs or any other proofing tool other than a standard inkjet/laser proof will be furnished upon request.  All applicable charges would be clearly itemized on your quotation and such charges agreed upon before additional proofing tools are generated.


322 West Street   -   Uxbridge, MA 01569   -  Phone:  800-225-7754    -   Fax:  508-278-7711

E-mail:  Info@PrecisionTapeandLabel.com